Guide to SFC Roles
sporting fiats club Wednesday, March 12, 2025


SFC Origins

Committee Working

Strategy & Policy

Summary of Roles

SFC Roles








Website Coordinator

Site Designer

Site Moderator

Regional Organiser

Shows Coordinator

Model Officer

Model Advisor

Competitions Secretary

Publicity Officer


Trade Advertising


Register Interest

'Job Descriptions' for SFC Officials

Version: 2003 1c draft

Guidelines to Roles in the Sporting Fiats Club

This booklet is intended as a guide to those members interested in Committee and Official positions. The guide is not intended as a set of detailed rules to be read and followed ‘to the letter’. Consequently I would advise future Committees against the temptation to make it into a long shopping list of tasks – with the goal of completeness.
The general aim of this booklet is to promote the smooth running of the Club. It describes the roles, and responsibilities for those persons who apply for Official and Committee positions as well as touching on some of the Club’s history relevant to its present and future.
Current Committee members should have a copy and spare copies will be available from the Secretary for new appointees. Also an electronic version will be available on the new website.

MT September 2003

1. Origins of the SFC
1.1 The SFC Constitution, to which this guide forms an Appendix, shapes the guidelines. In particular the sections of the Constitution concerned with Club Objectives and the workings of the Committee. Many of the roles described below are derived directly from these parts of the Constitution.
1.2 SFC is unique. To members, or would be members, used to other car clubs this may not appear significant. It is important. SFC was formed around interest in the Fiat twin cam engined cars, first introduced in the 1960’s. Drivers recognised this potential; the quality of engines, the good second hand purchase value, all round driveability, and high rust bodies. Some formed the Club then called the Fiat Twin Cam Register. In 1999 its name was changed to the Sporting Fiats Club.
1.3 Consequently SFC has a broad mix of cars, dating from the sixties to today. We are not locked into the life cycle of any one model. SFC includes cars from classics to brand new, kit cars using Fiat engines & components (up to 8% of the memberships’ cars at times), as well as Fiats produced elsewhere in the world under license. Fiat, Lancia and Abarth’s strong rally traditions have always featured in the club. SFC has always had a strong minority active in motorsport and a strong technical tradition too. So the range of member interests is broad. It is inevitable at times they will conflict.
1.4 Part of the challenge of SFC Committee-ship is to maintain a healthy balance and look upon the conflicts positively. But perhaps most importantly, as individuals you cannot and should not expect to meet, or decide for merely “people like me and my interests” when involved on the Committee or in these roles for the SFC.

2. Working on the Committee
2.1 These roles are designed to be undertaken by volunteers. The tasks should not take more than about 2 hours per week, or more realistically about 110 hours per year, as for many roles there are dormant periods in the year. Of course this doesn’t apply to the executive roles!
2.2 In addition there is a general expectation and requirement to attend committee meetings. In future technology may allow for ‘virtual’ meetings to take place. SFC tradition is to make meetings infrequent and important. This however puts greater emphasis on regular communication and disciplined action between meetings.
2.3 Sharing roles is perfectly acceptable providing it is made clear beforehand. Sharing may take the form of dividing tasks, time periods on and off duty, or forming mini teams of assistants under one person. SFC encourages this form of flexibility, and for instance it is recommended that Regional Organisers should set out to achieve this form of working as standard practice. In such cases responsibility should be clear to the committee and members at all times.
2.4 Conflicts of interest must be declared before taking up a position. Anything likely to impede an Official’s working is relevant, but particularly positions on other committees or with other clubs – especially car clubs. You are also reminded of your personal obligations under the Data Offenses Acts.
2.5 Resignation from a role ideally takes place before the AGM, with enough time to advertise for a replacement. It is obviously desirable if a replacement has already been identified and familiarised with the role.

3. Strategy and Policy
3.1 Because of the spread of needs and interests across the membership it is most unlikely that all the desired roles are filled by volunteers in any one year. A certain amount of ‘doubling up’ can be tolerated with experienced committee members.
3.2 In an extreme case, careful reading of the Constitution should suggest that, providing the three executive roles are filled, and other appointees are willing to cover essential services then the Club could continue. SFC would then be operating more like a ‘management’ led organisation rather than a ‘committee’ led one. This point is raised to show the opportunity for a Committee to harness day to day (rapid) decision making from the three executive positions without recourse to continuous formal meetings.
3.3 The three executive positions should take on closer scrutiny of activities for the day to day running of the Club. For instance, one way of dividing up the key activity areas for close attention follows:

Table 1: Division of Executive Responsibilities

Executive Position:

Main Policy Areas:



Outside Relations

Indemnities & Insurances

Roles being Managed:


Membership Sec.,

Regional Organisers

Competition Sec.,


Newsletter Ed.,

Magazine Ed.,



Model Officers

Model Advisors

Club Shop,

Model Advisors,

Model Officers,

Trade Advertising

3.4 It is desirable that such a division reflects the experience of the individuals involved. In addition, a loss of ownership and collective decision making by the Committee is dangerous. Perhaps executive decision making is best regarded as a ‘necessary evil’, to be contained within periodic and comprehensive joint review by Committee. Again a practical balance needs to be discussed and planned out beforehand.
3.5 There is a natural annual cycle to the Club’s main activities. Every official should expect and be required to participate in these three phases during the each year.
a. Planning - during the closed winter season, plans for their own activities during the forthcoming year, including the timing and budget required, and a calendar of their activities, with any newly proposed clearly evident. These proposals must be written and submitted at a planning meeting of the committee.
b. Activity and Progress – at a point near the middle of the year a progress review will be undertaken in committee, of what is succeeding and failing by the plans made in the previous phase
c. Review – a third phase is to meet and discuss the outcomes progress and lessons learnt from the year’s activities building the lessons into the next year’s planning phase.

4 Introduction - A Summary of Club Roles
Current and anticipated roles can be summarised as follows:

a. Officers of the Club (the club’s executive)
Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer

and in addition the Club Committee are Officers of the Club.

b. Club Officials (the list of current roles below)
Membership Secretary, Magazine Editor, Newsletter Editor, Club Shop & Merchandise, Web Site Coordinator, Web Site Designer, Show Coordinator
Trade Advertising, Club Archive, Competitions Secretary, and Publicity

c. Organisers & Officials – (where several individuals are in parallel roles across the Club)
Regional Organisers, Model Officers, Web Site Moderators, Model Advisors

4. Roles & Responsibilities
4.1 Chairman
The chairman has to lead the Club and Committee. To determine and plan priorities with his/her executive and ensure smooth running of the Club. He/she must also be available to listen to member’s comments and suggestions.
4.1.1. To 'Head up' the Club and Committee throughout his/her term of Office.
4.1.2. To chair all Committee meetings when possible, and to chair the AGM.
4.1.3. To consult on, formulate and publish the agenda for Committee meetings.
4.1.4. To maintain excellent communications with all Committee Members, and ensure Committee and Executive decisions/actions are implemented.
4.1.5. To ensure best use is made of scarce resources. To ensure that plans and targets are made, monitored and met.
4.1.6. To adjudicate in disputes and disagreements within the Club or Members when other options have been exhausted.
4.1.7. To act as principle ambassador for SFC in linking and developing contacts with outside agencies and other clubs.
4.1.8. To further the development of SFC.

4.2 Secretary
4.2.1 As a member of SFC’s three strong executive, the secretary has the primary organising function for the Committee as well as overseeing the setting of various club calendars. Most outside organisations will send literature to the secretary as the primary SFC point of contact. The secretary may expect to help the Chairman in appointing individuals and staffing issues in general.
4.2.2. To organise the times, dates, and venues for all meetings of the Committee and ensure Committee members are informed.
4.2.3. To attend all meetings of the Committee and record the minutes of those meetings and ensure effective dissemination and storage of the records.
4.2.4. To ensure dissemination of all SFC materials & dispatches to the membership or individuals as needed.
4.2.5. To offer advice to Members and prospective members alike regarding Club affairs, contacts and officials.
4.2.6. To arrange AGM and other General Meeting dates times and venues.
4.2.7 To implement notification procedures for the AGM and other General Meeting dates times and venues, including postal voting and polling as needed.
4.2.8. To ensure vacant positions are identified and advertised to the Membership in time.
4.2.9. To oversee the publishing of club calendars for meetings, shows, track events etc. with relevant Regional Organisers, Competitions Secretary, and Shows Coordinator.
4.2.10 To act as SFC principal Data Protection Auditor.

4.3 Treasurer
4.3.1 As a member of SFC’s three strong executive, the treasurer must administer all the financial aspects of club life. This will include monitoring and advising on the cost, revenue, and budgeting procedures of the Club in addition to maintaining club accounts, approving expenses, and servicing SFC bank accounts along with other payment facilities.
4.3.2. To ensure accurate accounting of all Club funds and finances on a regular basis. Ensuring supporting records are also accurate up to date and available.
4.3.3. To ensure all financial records are safely stored and can be passed on to his/her successor in a readily accessible and searchable form.
4.3.4 To ensure the Bank's signatory form, is up to date with the Treasurer and the two counter signatories (Chairman and Secretary) signatures. So the incoming Committee has immediate access/control of the Club’s accounts.
4.3.5. To monitor the Clubs Bank accounts to ensure a smooth flow of Club funds.
4.3.6. To reconcile all expenses of the Committee which should not be paid unless accompanied by either a purchase order or invoices/receipts.
4.3.7. To ensure all suppliers are paid within their credit terms.
4.3.8. To ensure professional audit of accounts is undertaken if required by the Committee at the end of each financial year.
4.3.9 To ensure accounts are available to the membership at each AGM and if possible available for Committee perusal beforehand.
4.3.10. The Treasurer is responsible for the payment of all or any taxes / levies or other payments due to the Revenue/VAT or any other authorised government body or agency.
4.3.11 To ensure that club property and activity is adequately insured and indemnified. To ensure Public Indemnities are deemed sufficient.
4.3.12 To set and advise on the budget limits for all or any officials.
4.3.13 To monitor stock holding and cash flow by the Club Shop.

4.4 Membership Secretary (M/S)

4.4.1 The decision to join the club is often made by impulse. The response of the membership secretary to enquiry and joining is an essential ingredient to the first impression of the club. The M/S must also maintain the databases for Full and Net Membership, supplying the lists of addresses for communication with the club membership and handle membership subscriptions and renewals. In many ways the M/S is fulfills the most vital role in the Club.
4.4.2. To process all new membership applications and the subscription renewals of existing members, such that an up to date database is maintained for Club communications.
4.4.3. To provide Club membership information and application details to all who enquire - via mail, telephone, email or website as necessary.
4.4.4. To forward any event correspondence to the appropriate regional organiser and forward any other correspondence or enquiry to the appropriate Club official.
4.4.5. To process new Full Membership;
a. Processing new membership applications and send out welcome packs with the minimum of delay.
b. Generating and send membership renewal reminder letters as prompted by the club databases.
c. Processing membership renewals and issue new membership cards, together with any missed magazine / newsletters in the case of a backdated lapsed membership.
d. Archiving of lapsed members who do not renew.
4.4.6. To reconcile Full and Net member databases and maintain records of the databases and archives for at least 3 years.
4.4.7. To provide a complete set of membership address labels for Club communications.
4.4.8 To provide area address label print outs for regional organisers if requested, and subsequent updates detailing new and lapsed members.
4.4.9. To bank all payments received on a regular basis.
4.4.10 To backup the membership database file and ensure such back ups are kept secure and at a different location.
4.4.11 To ensure that the membership database is not used for non-Club purposes and that details of a person’s membership are not passed to a 3rd party without the members express written permission.
4.4.12. To keep the committee informed of current membership statistics as requested.
4.4.13. To ensure that the stock items for the club welcome pack and consumables are held at all times and to organise the photocopying or printing as appropriate when running low. These items are listed below:
§ Blank membership cards.
§ Welcome pack items:
§ Windscreen stickers,
§ Window transfers,
§ Club constitution,
§ Latest magazine and newsletter.
§ Welcome letters.
§ Renewal letters.
§ Club information sheets and application forms.
The membership secretary needs to hold the following consumables
§ Postage stamps.
§ Credit card payment & bank slips.
§ Compliments slips.
§ A4 paper for reminder letters.
§ A4 printer labels for address runs and membership cards.
§ New media for database backup.
§ Cheque paying in book.

4.5 Shop and Merchandising
4.5.1 This role is going to be increasingly important to the Club. In future an increasing proportion of Club revenue will come from these sales. The aim is to offer good quality merchandise, books, media and car parts at a reasonable price. Success of the club shop depends almost entirely on the effort put in by the person responsible. The position requires the utmost honesty and integrity as it involves handling club finances.
4.5.2. The main principle of the club shop is to operate on a zero stock basis – most items being ‘back ordered’ from a supplier only when an order is received or maintain an adequate stocking level on items not back ordered. And so maintain the sale of club merchandise, books, media and car parts.
4.5.3 To process orders from members within reasonable time whether received by post, telephone, or email;
a. passing on orders to the relevant supplier/manufacturer where the item ordered is not "stocked",
b. liasing regularly with suppliers to check pricing and items available,
c. despatching goods "kept in stock" within a reasonable time of receiving order,
d. updating the Club Shop price list and promotional media as required,
e. preparing suitable advertisements for inclusion in Club media – magazine, newsletter and website – closely liaising with the relevant officers,
f. ensuring fast moving items (like coffee mugs) are always available from stock.
g. maintaining an order book detailing all regalia orders received, in detail.
h. banking of all payments received by cash, cheque, postal order and credit cards or other payment system.
4.5.4. To be responsible for all stock kept "at home". Such stock remains the property of the Club at all times and their return will be requested by the Committee.
4.5.5. To have a paying in book and nominate a local bank as a paying in point. Payments must be processed on a weekly basis. A supply of credit card "slips" and will receive regular statements and must be forwarded to the Treasurer.
4.5.6. To source new products where appropriate for inclusion in the Club shop range.
4.5.7. To report at committee meetings summarising sales and revenue on an ongoing basis.

4.6 Magazine Editor
4.6.1. The magazine editor is to produce an annual or bi-annual ‘Bialbero’ magazine for Club members and a Year Book. The magazines are to act as a ‘flag ship’ for club life, activities, owners and their cars. The content to reflect the broad interests and ownership in the Club.
4.6.2. To closely liaise with the Newsletter editor regarding content of both publications in providing;
a. an open forum for discussion of problems associated with the use, operation and ownership of Fiat cars and their derivatives.
b. promoting the Club its members and its activities.
c. advertising and promoting club services as appropriate.
d. providing a link between the Committee and the membership.
4.6.3 To produce a Club Year Book within the agreed budget, on the agreed date.
4.6.4. To produce and issue magazines within the agreed budget, on the agreed date.
4.6.5. To report at committee meetings on an ongoing basis.
4.6.6. To utilise and exchange topics and items with the website.

4.7 Newsletter Editor
4.7.1. The newsletter editor is to promote forthcoming events and topical items of interest about the club and motoring in general. From time to time circulars may be requested too. The newsletter provides a vital link with the membership, keeping them in touch with club life and preferably stimulating them into action. The content is to reflect the broad interests and ownership in the Club. Aim to produce and issue between four and eight newsletters per year.
4.7.2. To closely liase with the Magazine Editor regarding content of both publications in providing;
a. an open forum for discussion of problems associated with the use, operation and ownership of Fiat cars and their derivatives.
b. promoting the Club its members and its activities.
c. advertising and promoting club services as appropriate.
d. providing a link between the Committee and the membership.
4.7.3. To provide sufficient space in the newsletter for the sale and purchase of Fiat cars, derivatives, spares and related items.
4.7.4. To produce newsletters regularly, to agreed dates and budgets.
4.7.5. To produce and issue circulars when requested.
4.7.6. To utilise and exchange topics and items with the website.

4.8. Web Site Coordinator
4.8.1. The Club website offers many opportunities to develop the Club and its interests. The coordinator’s role is to ensure that the website page content and information is kept up to date on both the home site and linked sites. He/she is also to coordinate the Moderators who monitor the site on a daily basis. He/she is immediately responsible for the content of the site, acting as a bridge between the Net Membership and other Officials interested in this information.
4.8.2. He/she will need to be closely involved with the Model Officers in ensuring their page materials are loaded on the site.
4.8.3. The site will typically include the following core areas:
a. Log-in, Rules, membership information and application form.
b. Welcome page & Honour Gallaries
c. Model Pages
d. Forums
e. SFC Shop & order forms
f. Listings for national regional and international events.
g. Classified advertisements and submission forms.
h. Links and contact areas
i. Net Member home area
4.8.4. To monitor and update the site on atleast a weekly basis.
4.8.5. To ensure the site is adequately moderated and maintained through a group of appointed moderators. Maintaining an appropriate duty schedule for the moderators.
4.8.6. To ensure the current links & SFC contact details are valid on other websites.
4.8.7. To maintain the Club website on all major search engines.
4.8.8. To review the activities of other Fiat related websites and the use of SFC material.
4.8.9. To ensure that payment for both the Club registered domain name and web space hosting is sent when due.

4.9 Web Site Designer
4.9.1 In contrast to the Coordinator’s role, the designer is responsible for the integrity and smooth running of the site, its software tools and databases. Suitable experience is required in maintaining and developing database driven sites, and the data gathering and data handling processes and procedures essential to it’s operation. He/she is also responsible for site development and all technical issues relating to the website, its server, and database.
The prerequisites for the post are
a. Experience of website design and upkeep.
b. Connection to the internet using a service provider or workplace.
c. A computer system retain the master copy of the site plus test and developing pages.
d. Familiarity with the Club’s design & database tools.
4.9.2. To ensure familiarisation with design of the site, its philosophy, constructs and frameworks, it is highly desirable to plan for a handover period between outgoing and incoming designers.
4.9.3. To consult and advise on SFC IT and toolset standards, and any alternatives.
4.9.4. Uploading content received from the Model Officers and other Officials on their web page writing tool.
4.9.5. To improve the design of the website using any new ideas and methods as appropriate.
4.9.6. To promote effective procedures for Back up, Recovery, Archiving and Security (Site, Database & Member Data).
4.9.7. To train Coordinator & Moderators in their tasks, acting as troubleshooter for difficult or technical queries. Acting as site moderator of last resort.
4.9.8. To ensure the site remains on line and fully available for the maximum period possible.
4.9.10 To ensure the Club benefits from efficient automated facilities (typically utilising the site database) where possible.

4.10Web Site Moderator
4.10.1 To help maintain the site, and its content on a daily basis will require a group of site literate and knowledgeable members.
4.10.2. To read and reply as necessary to email sent to the site address.
4.10.3. To pass on any other enquiries to the appropriate Club official.
4.10.4. To download any user updated areas in order to keep a local master copy of the website.
4.10.5. To backup the local master copy of the website, emails and log files onto the designated medium on a regular basis. Backup media should be kept secure and at a different location.

4.11 Regional Organiser (RO)
4.11.1 RO’s are there to provide social and local focus for the club in their region.
They should also be the club’s local ambassador, actively promoting the Club and work in the locality, yet operating within the SFC guidelines and regulations.
4.11.2. To actively encourage new full membership of SFC.
4.11.3. To represent ordinary members’ views on the Club Committee, and communicate Committee deliberations to the local membership.
4.11.4. To generate a regional calendar of events, attracting the various sorts of SFC membership.
4.11.5. To organise, promote and attend events within their region that further the aims and objectives of the Club.
4.11.6. To liaise with other regional organisers, model officers and officials encouraging their region’s members to attend national or inter regional shows and events.
4.11.7. To promote links with other organisations and Clubs which have similar aims and objectives within their region.
4.11.8. To inform the Newsletter Editor and Website Coordinator of events in a timely manner to ensure that they communicated to members.
4.11.9. To be responsible for all Club property given and account to the Committee for property so given.
4.11.10. To provide local mail shots to their regional members for events and promotions.
4.11.11. To organise a regional events calendar during the closed season for the next year.
4.11.12. It is possible, and even desirable that a region may be broken down into smaller localities and run in a similar fashion on a smaller scale by different people.
4.11.13. To find support and potential future ROs from within the local members.

4.12 Shows Coordinator
4.12.1 The Shows Coordinator acts as the SFC’s project manager for indoor and major show activities when an SFC stand is to be assembled and club show cars provided. To help SFC promote and attend high status events that further the aims and objectives of the Club.
4.12.2. To identify and maintain a list of quality cars suitable for showing, coordinating with Regional Organisers and Model Officers to maintain such lists, and provide show cars in keeping with the type of show and any relevant show theme.
4.12.3. To sustain the list of attending show car owners, ensuring their attendance and needs are met – including accommodation, transport, and ticketing.
4.12.4. To generate an annual list of shows, in discussion with the Committee, attractive to the various sorts of SFC membership, suitably distributed around the UK.
4.12.5. To liaise with the show organisers, ensuring applications for stand space and other facilities are made available, and to ensure invoices etc are paid promptly.
4.12.6. To ensure that the shows are well promoted, both to the SFC members, regional organisers and for the show organisers by use of the clubs printed and electronic media in a timely manner.
4.12.7. To inform the Newsletter Editor and Website Coordinator of events in a timely manner to ensure that they communicated to members.
4.12.8. To be responsible for all Club property given and account to the Committee for property so given.
4.12.9. To produce any local mail shots as necessary.

4.13 Model Officer (M/O)
4.13.1 This role is about the enthusiasm and passion of ownership. It requires long term enthusiasm in a particular model of car and a willingness to become the focus of owner interests for that model within SFC. The SFC’s new website has been created with this in mind. So there are two general tasks; to run the model’s web page on the SFC site, and once a year persuade the other owners out to a meeting in the 'real' world. M/O’s should also be the model ambassador for SFC, actively promoting the Club, yet operating within the SFC guidelines and regulations
4.13.2. To provide regular updates to the model web page, and/or model galleries based upon the page framework provided.
4.13.3. To provide website and real links with single model club’s of this type in Europe and the World.
4.13.4. To closely liaise with the Model Advisor providing a presence on the forum area and model pages on the site.
4.13.5. To provide a focus for interest in the model, assembling articles, pictures brochures and similar on the model.
4.13.6. To be responsible for all Club property given and account to the Club for property so given.
4.13.7. To organise an annual outing at SFC or other events, encouraging the registered owner and enthusiasts from the Club to attend.
4.13.8. To actively encourage new full membership of SFC.

4.14 Model Advisor (M/A)
4.14.1 Any member with sufficient technical expertise may submit themselves for nomination to the role of Model Advisor. Experience of tuning building and maintaining the specific model concerned is necessary. SFC welcomes trade based advisors, providing they are willing to declare their interests to enquiring members and supply two alternative relevant quotes or contacts per enquiry.
4.14.2. To the best of their ability provide advice to Club members on the model concerned.
4.14.3. To communicate solutions offers and advice through the Internet or SFC News.
4.14.4. To actively promote the club and work within the rules and regulations of the club as laid down in its Constitution.
4.14.5. To use his/her best endeavours to encourage new membership of the Club.

4.15 Competitions Secretary
4.15.1 SFC needs to respond to the growth of interest in track days and track or rally related events. The Club is also a member of the Motor Sport Association (MSA) UK. This role combines activities of the Model Officer (in providing a focus for all those interested in track days), Secretarial roles to liaise with the MSA and link with club’s of similar interest to provide a track based calendar. Lastly like a Regional Organiser, to provide specialist help in organising SFC track based events in the UK.
4.15.2. To extend contacts and links with clubs having similar interests and objectives to SFC.
4.15.3. To provide a focus for all members interested in track days, via telephone, email or club website.
4.15.4. To assemble a track day calendar for the club, ensuring a variety of levels of driving skill and expense, noise level and venue. So that any drivers, from novices to experienced have good value choices of events around the UK during the year.
4.15.5. To educate and make clear expected levels of safety and behaviour from SFC drivers.
4.15.6. To organise any SFC events under MSA regulations and arrange for appropriate marshalling insurance and public indemnities through the Treasurer.
4.15.7. To contact Fiat based motorsport competitors and race series organisers ensuring adequate space and publicity on the SFC website.
4.15.8. To act as SFC liaison to MSA receiving and distributing literature and attending meetings as appropriate.
4.15.9. To update the track day pages of the SFC website.

4.16 Publicity Officer
4.16.1. To sustain and increase awareness of the Club, its benefits and activities.
4.16.2. To act as a contact point for persons, bodies or agencies outside the Club requesting information about the Club.
4.16.3. To be responsible for external advertising of the Club where considered appropriate and within an agreed budget (on a case basis), as approved by the committee
4.16.4. To liase with relevant publications within the motoring press. Supplying contact details event dates and articles for Publicity and Membership purposes. This will include "diary" articles in such publications and articles on any or all of the Fiat models and events as deemed suitable.
4.16.5. To circulate regular press releases on correct Club stationery to the chosen press.
4.16.6. To be responsible for sourcing and supplying suitable cars/members for any features, as requested by magazine feature writers, and maintaining contact list with such club members.
4.16.7. Comments on the Club and its policies must be verified by the Committee. No comment or information may be disclosed with regard to Club finances.
4.16.8. At no point may personal details of any Club member be given in the course of Club publicity, except with the express permission of said Club member (under the Data Protection Policy of the Club).
4.16.9. To liaise with Regional Organisers where possible helping with publicity for organised events and to help ROs promote new membership

4.17 Archivist
4.17.1. The Club archivist traditionally stores information on cars and events for the general use of the Club’s media and membership. This can include any form of historical documents, brochures and regalia. In addition the archivist also stores hard copy of past Club publications for later re-use and reference.
4.17.2. To act as a club reference point for information and information sources.
4.17.3 To provide access for the Club’s editorial officials.
4.17.4. To suggest ideas for the Club’s own regalia and merchandise based on the archive materials.
4.17.5. To report at committee meetings on an ongoing basis.
4.17.6. To utilise and exchange topics articles, photographs and copy items with the Club website.

4.18 Trade Advertising
4.18.1. This role is often combined with one of the Club editorial roles. It is to generate a set of trade contacts to benefit the membership of the Club with goods and services on both short and long term offers. Secondly, to gain revenue from trader advertisements, by promoting their businesses, products and services in the club’s written or electronic media.
4.18.2. To closely liaise with the Magazine, Newsletter and Website Coordinator editor regarding the content and timing of trade promotions.
4.18.3 To keep an accurate account of the transactions entered into on behalf of the club, including their terms, length of agreement, tariffs, and details.
4.18.4. To provide the Treasurer with accurate and timely invoices for advertising.
4.18.5. To report progress at committee meetings on an ongoing basis.
4.18.6. To liaise with trade contacts preparing suitable advertisements for inclusion in Club media.
4.18.7. To monitor and regularly report to Committee on the status of outstanding payments to the club due from trade advertising.

5 Expenses
5.1 All Club Committee members are entitled to claim expenses for all reasonable costs incurred (see below) when undertaking Club business. All expenses should be claimed in writing along with receipts addressed to the Treasurer. Please state when and why the money was spent and to whom the cheque should be made payable. Please try to claim regularly so adequate funds can be made available and before the end of June to allow outstanding expenditure to be included in the Club annual accounts.
Reasonable Expenses Are:
5.2 Travelling to and from committee meetings will be paid at a rate of 10 pence per mile.
5.3 AGM’s (or EGM’s) are exempt, as all members are expected to go, as are all committee members!
5.4 Stationery and consumables if required for the efficient running of the post. Printed letterheads, Compliment slips and envelopes are available from the Club Secretary.
5.5 Phone calls made from a land line to members will be paid if accompanied by an itemised bill, with Club calls marked, surfing or adding feed-back to the club website will not be paid unless it is required for the efficient running of the post.
5.6 Each regional organiser can send mail shots to their area members. However the club will pay for one mail shot during the year. Only address labels available from the Membership Secretary should be used to ensure only current members are contacted.
5.7 The club will pay a nominal amount for prizes (trophies etc.) for annual events such as Christmas meals. However, it is normal to bring this type of expense to the notice of the Committee, as other items may be available, such as regalia. All regular events including Christmas meals etc. should be self-funding and the Club will not be held responsible for non-returnable deposits or other such expenses.
5.8 All other expenses or requests for expenditure should be brought to Committee or if time sensitive, spending may be cleared by contacting the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer for agreement.
5.9 Any comments, questions or problems regarding expenses should be made to the Treasurer in the first instance.