SFC Constitution
sporting fiats club Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Title and Membership
Membership Termination
Data Standards
Data Controller
Notices and Agendas
Voting at GMs
Membership Recourse
Club Management
Club Operation
Officers & Officials
Membership Contribution
Observation and Interpretation
Use of Club Name

Latest draft of the SFC Constitution

Draft 2003 1b


This version of the Constitution was revised in AGM …….. 2004
This version replaces all previously issued copies of the Constitution.

Title & Membership:
1.1 The Club shall be known as the ‘Sporting Fiats Club’, formerly the Fiat Twin-Cam Register. The full and proper name to be used when entering into legal contracts and obligations on behalf of the Membership of the club. For the purposes of day to day use and in the Constitution hereinafter referred to as ‘the Club’ or ‘SFC’.
1.2 Terminology
Officer of the Club – is one of the Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer and Committee elected at AGM
Annual General Meeting – (AGM) is the annual gathering of members that elects the Club’s Officers, and Committee and also ratifies the club’s activities and accounts for that year.
Membership of the Club - all the various sorts of club members
Club Committee – the group of elected individuals running the club for the members
Club Official – a person appointed to carry out a specific, named task or role for the club
Data Standards – the way information about personal details is kept and used by the club
Internet – The whole or any part of the world network of communications that links computers
Internet Payment System – means of making payment using the internet
Website – the club pages of text & pictures and information residing on a large computer being run and maintained by a third party provider
Logging In – the act of registering with the club on its website
Fiat Cars – cars and other vehicles supplied by Fiat and of interest to the club’s membership
Fiat derivatives - vehicles linked to Fiat Cars, Fiat Auto or using some components from Fiats.

2. Membership
2.1. Qualification
Anyone over 13 years of age interested in or owning any Fiat may apply for club membership, and become a member subject to the approval of the Committee. There are four types of Club Membership. For details and data kept on each type of member see section 7 Data Standards below.
2.2 Full Membership
Any person shall be deemed a ‘Member’ of the Club upon payment in full of the appropriate annual subscription. To distinguish between the other three Membership types, a fully paid up ‘Member’ shall be known as a Full Member. A Full Member is entitled to all the privileges of membership, including services discounts promotions and offers arranged on their behalf by the Committee. Only Full Members have voting rights and standing at general meetings. The Committee shall only comprise of Full Members.
2.3 Family Membership
Any partner or family member of a Full Member, who is permanently resident at the same address as the subscribing member may choose to be a Family Member. Family Members shall be entitled to all privileges of Membership with the exception of receiving separate club publications. Family Members have no standing or voting privileges at general meetings.
2.4 Net Membership
To gain access and then contribute to the Club website, all persons are required to ‘log in’. This procedure includes agreeing to abide by the club’s rules and standards set out on the ‘logging in’ page of the website (and derived from this Constitution) as well as registering interests and contact information including name, home and postal address. Only then will persons be permitted to actively contribute to the site. Such persons shall be known as Net Members. Net Members can use the site facilities and information available, but must purchase Club services privileges and promotions separately. Net Members may not vote at general meetings and have no standing at general meetings
2.5 Honorary Membership
To acknowledge exceptional contributions to the Club, from time to time persons may be elected to Honorary Membership by unanimous vote of the Committee or simple majority vote of the Membership at AGM. Honorary Members may be confirmed annually by the Committee.
2.6. Conduct
By becoming one of the four types of Member, each person is agreeing to be bound by the rules of this Constitution. Every Member shall receive a copy of the Constitution on joining the Club and be advised of all amendments or replacements relevant to their type of membership before these are introduced.

3. Objectives
The Club objectives are:
3.1 To encourage the active use, ownership and enjoyment of FIAT cars amongst the Membership. We see ‘sporting’ enthusiasm and enjoyment being a part of our members rather than any type or model of car.
3.2 To encourage the use, ownership and enjoyment of FIAT cars worldwide.
3.3 To provide bona fide Members with practical support, information & assistance where possible in respect of their Fiat cars, Fiat derivatives, or any such vehicle as determined by the Committee for the furtherance of Club activity.
3.4 To arrange meetings and events that encourage social activity between Members.
3.5 To promote motor competitions and track events in accordance with the rules and requirements of the Motor Sports Association of the United Kingdom.
3.6 To arrange and expand benefits, privileges, and offers for the Membership.
3.7 To encourage communication and co-operation between Clubs catering for Italian cars and other car clubs in furtherance of the Club’s objectives.
3.8 To buy, sell or obtain a range of products and services that benefit the Membership and enhance the Club. Items or services obtained to be passed to the Membership at cost or profit as determined by Club Committee.
3.9. To stimulate public and media interest, in the Club, in the Membership and all its varieties of sporting Fiats.
3.10 Conduct

We welcome all forms of interest in Fiat cars and their derivatives and we welcome all sorts of owners. We expect all members to do the same.

4. Subscription
4.1 Subscription Rate
The annual subscription rate for U.K., overseas and family membership of the Club shall be the rate as set by resolution of the membership in General Meeting. The Committee may set the level of any administration fee for joining the Club it deems necessary up to a maximum of twenty per cent of the annual subscription.
4.2 Net Membership Subscription
There is no subscription charged for Net Membership of the Club.
4.3. Subscription Payment
Renewal subscription for all classes of membership shall become due for payment each year on the first day of the month following the anniversary of joining the Club. Members whose subscriptions have not been received by the last day of the month in which due will be removed from the mailing list. Members who arrange standing orders with their Bank etc. so that their subscription arrives in the Club Bank Account not later than the 7th of the month in which due each year will be allowed a reduction on the normal annual rate approved by the Committee.
4.4 Promotional Membership Offers
The Subscription Rate may be reduced as part of a promotion for a specific event or show as approved by the Committee.

5 Payments
5.1 Payments for any Club requirements may be made by: Cash (Sterling) Cheque, Postal Order or an approved Credit Card which will be subject to a small surcharge at an advised rate, or an approved Internet Payment System which will be subject to a small surcharge at an advised rate.

6 Termination of Membership
6.1 Any member of the Club whose Subscription is in arrears, and is unpaid for three months shall then cease to be a Member of the Club. Any such individual shall not be entitled to enjoy any of the benefits or privileges of Membership, nor to take part in any Club activities, nor to take part in any competitions organised by the Club. But shall remain liable for any debts due to the Club.
6.2 Any member of the club whose subscription is in arrears and unpaid for three months shall be eligible to rejoin the Club on payment of the appropriate new Members subscription rate plus an administration fee.
6.3 Terminated Member details shall be archived and retained for a period of not less than three years. Destruction and disposal of this information shall be controlled under the Data Standards Policy for SFC described in section 7.
6.4 Revocation of Membership
The Committee, by a simple majority vote, is entitled to revoke or refuse Membership to any person who brings the Club into disrepute or is in debt to the Club. The person whose expulsion, dismissal or suspension is to be considered at a Committee meeting or a General Meeting shall receive seven days notice in writing and shall be invited to address the meeting in writing or in person. A hearing shall be convened by the Committee where the accused Member may hear the abuse charge and respond before any vote is cast. There is no right of appeal if the action is found proven through the simple majority vote of the Committee.

7. Data Standards
7.1 By Membership of the Club the Member consents to the Club the use of their Name, Address, Telephone Number(s), Internet Address and details of their car(s) to other Club Members to further the aims and objectives of the Club. In addition Club Officials may use a member’s expressed preferences for regional events, types of meeting, service or use thereof to help inform the member of future club activities and offers.
7.2 The Club shall not provide any such information about a member to any individual who is not a Member of the Club, unless prior approval is given by the Member concerned.
7.3 Any objections MUST be forwarded to the Membership Secretary in writing. All joining and membership application forms must make the extent, and general use of the information clear to the applicant.
7.4 Archive arrangements described in 6.3 may be terminated by request to the Membership Secretary in writing.
7.5 The Club shall not sell membership information for profit or for any other consideration.
7.6 Any person found to abuse the above standards will be reported to the authorities for prosecution under the Data Offences Acts.
7.7 Any Member of the Committee who abuses their position for exploitation or gain from the Membership for personal purposes may be expelled from the Club by majority vote in Committee. The person shall receive seven days notice in writing and shall be invited to address the meeting in writing or in person. A hearing shall be convened by the Committee where the accused Member may hear the abuse charge and respond before any vote is cast. In the case of Members at AGM notification of the abuse shall follow the AGM notification procedures. The accused Member may hear the abuse charge and respond before any vote is cast. There is no right of appeal if the action is found proven through the simple majority vote of the Committee or AGM: The ban to remain in force for a minimum of 12 months and no position on the Committee may be sought by the Member thereafter. In addition the Committee may seek other remedies (under the articles of the Data Offences Acts and UK Law).
7.8 Data Controller
Statutory requirements for registration, maintaining data protection, internal codes of practice, update, audit and data destruction are vested in the Club Secretary acting as Data Controller in the name of SFC.

8. Annual General Meeting
8.1 An Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held not later than the end of November of each year. The Annual General Meeting shall:
a) confirm the minutes of all the General Meetings of the preceding year;
b) receive full statement of accounts duly audited showing the receipts and expenditure for the year ending 31 October of the preceding financial year;
c) receive a report of the activities of the Club during the said year;
d) elect Members to serve on the Committee for the year commencing at the completion of elections;
e) decide on any resolution which may be duly submitted to the meeting as hereinafter provided.
8.2 Every Full Member shall be entitled to a vote in General Meeting of the Club providing their subscription is current or by submission of a postal vote to the Club Secretary indicating their choice on any matter requiring General Resolution.
8.3 After the initial notification for AGM is issued any Full Member may opt for a postal vote by informing the Secretary, no later than ten days before the AGM and returning the completed form no later than three days before the AGM itself.
8.4 Proof of current full membership will be required to vote at AGM.

9 Special General Meeting
9.1 A Special General Meeting may be convened at any time, either by the Committee or after the Full Membership has been balloted and twenty five percent are in favour of the meeting taking place. Notification procedures shall be followed. Proof of Full Membership against the eligible list will be required to attend. Ten percent of the eligible Full Members list shall form a quorum for SGM.
9.2 There must be a period of at least three calendar months between any two general meetings – including AGM, SGM or Dissolution.

10. Dissolution General Meeting
10.1 A Dissolution General Meeting may be convened at any time, either by the Committee or after the Full Membership has been balloted and twenty five percent are in favour of the meeting taking place. Notification procedures shall be followed. Proof of Full Membership against the eligible list will be required to attend. Twenty percent of the eligible Full Member list shall form a quorum. If the resolution of dissolution is duly passed, the Committee shall forthwith liquidate the affairs of the Club and shall dispose of any surplus at its discretion.

11. Notices and Agendas for General Meeting
11.1 The following procedure for general meetings shall be applied:
a) The Membership Secretary is notified and a current Full Member list drawn up during the next 14 days. The list of Full Members qualifying for the general meeting is frozen at this point for the purposes of voting eligibility (the eligible list).
b) Within this 14 days, the text of any resolution to be discussed at a General Meeting shall be signed by two Full Members (as proposer and seconder) and received by the Secretary.
c) Invitation to respond and meeting notification is issued by the Secretary with a proposed agenda, using second class mail, to the membership list.
d) The membership is given a further 7 days to respond and amend the notification, or propose alternative resolutions.
e) The process of notification shall be repeated to include the additional resolutions, and a revised agenda and notification of meeting re issued to the membership by the Secretary.
f) The general meeting date shall be arranged no less than 21 days later.
g) Final notification of the meeting shall be posted to the eligible list no less then 14 days prior to the meeting.
h) Any Full Members may elect to vote by post providing written notification is provided no less than ten days before the general meeting, and the completed form is returned to the Secretary no less than three days before the meeting.
11.3 Any business which is not included on the Agenda at final notification shall be excluded from the general meeting, unless by unanimous agreement of Full Members at the meeting.

12. Voting at General Meeting
12.1 Every Member present shall have one vote, except that the Chairman shall vote in the exercise of a casting vote.
12.2 Resolutions shall be decided on a simple majority except where the Resolution proposes an alteration to this Constitution, in which case a majority of two-thirds shall be required to carry the Resolution.
12.3 Postal Voting
After the initial notification for General Meeting is issued any Full Member may opt for a postal vote by informing the Secretary, no later than ten days before the meeting and returning the completed form no later than three days before the AGM itself.

13. Membership Recourse
13.1 There are three ways in which a Full Member may raise formal issues if the normal channels through the committee are deemed insufficient. These are:
a) to raise a resolution at general meeting – most notably at the AGM or
b) to call for a Special General Meeting.
c) to stand for election.

14. Club Management
14.1 Club organisation, and day to day operation is undertaken by volunteer club members.
14.2 There shall be three Executive Officers of the Club, namely the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Together they make up the club executive, responsible for the day to day running of the club. They also are the only three cheque signatories for club bank accounts. The posts of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of the Club shall be held by separate individuals.
14.3 Composition of the Committee
The Committee shall consist of Full Members of the Club. In addition to the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of the Club, not more than eleven other Full Members shall agree to immediately become bona fide Officers of the Club. Committee members may hold more than one Official post, except for these three executive positions.
14.4 Club Officials
In addition to the Committee there are a set of voluntary Club Officials determined by the needs of the club and the range of activities proposed by the Club Committee. There can be any number of Club Officials drawn from the SFC Full Member list.
14.5 Election Co-option and Appointment
The Officers of the Club shall be elected or re-elected for one-year terms at the Annual General Meeting. Other Committee members may be elected at AGM or appointed by the Chairman and Secretary. It is desirable that all Committee positions are subject to re-election at the next Annual General Meeting but sufficient that only the Chairman Secretary and Treasurer are elected. Nominations before or at the AGM shall be accompanied by a confirmation, signed or in person, that the candidate is willing to stand.
14.6 The committee shall appoint from outside the club membership if no suitably qualified member is available (for instance in preparation of Club Accounts).
14.7 Periodic review and approval of the Club' s activities and review of Officer and Official performance shall be undertaken in Committee. The responsibility for the financial and business affairs and for the policy of the Club shall be vested in the Club Committee.
14.8 Powers to expel, dismiss and suspend
a) The Committee may expel any member of the Club.
b) The Committee may dismiss any Officer from his or her post and the Committee's decision shall be final.
c) The Committee may for the time being suspend any Member of the Committee from his or her post, pending a final decision by the Club at the next practicable General Meeting.
d) Any Member of the Committee who shall, without sufficient reason, absent him or herself from three consecutive Committee Meetings may be called upon to resign his or her position from the Committee.
14.9 Voting of Committee
a) Each individual Committee Member present shall have one vote and resolutions shall be decided on a simple majority, except where the resolution proposes an expulsion or dismissal or suspension, in which case a majority of two-thirds shall be required to carry the resolution.
b) In the case of a tied vote, the Chairman shall exercise a casting vote.
c) In Committee matters requiring a vote, half of the current Committee Membership shall form a quorum.

15 Operation of the Club
15.1 The club calendar shall run from January 31st to February 1st of each year
15.2 The AGM will be held before the end of November each year, the date to be determined in Committee.
15.3 The club financial year shall be determined by the Treasurer to enable accounts to be prepared and audited in time for the AGM.
15.4 The Secretary shall circulate to all paid up full members a list of available positions and qualifications. Applicants shall be ratified at AGM.

16 Officers and Officials
16.1 Officers of the Club
The Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and in addition the Club Committee are Officers of the Club
16.2 Club Officials
Club Officials may comprise the following roles where one member undertakes the role; Membership Secretary, Magazine Editor, Newsletter Editor, Club Shop & Merchandise, Web Site Coordinator, Web Site Designer, Shows Coordinator
Additonal Club Officials may be required for Trade Advertising, SFC Archive, Competitions Secretary, and Publicity
16.3 Organisers
Where several individuals are undertaking parallel roles on behalf of the Club may include:
a) Regional Organisers, Model Officers, Web Site Moderators
b) Model Advisors
16.4 Further guidance and definition of these roles is given in Annex A to this Constitution “Guidelines to Roles in the Sporting Fiats Club”.

17. Membership Contribution
17.1 Active contribution
The Membership is encouraged to take active part in atleast some of the club’s activities and events.
17.2 Adequate Insurance
Members (and partners/friends) who participate in any activities promoted by the club are required to have adequate insurance cover of their own for their own activity – in addition to cover held by the Club. This applies in particular to overseas events and any event involving motor sport activity. The club will accept no liability for any occurance if the parties are under insured. The club will enter no discussion on any form of liability to any party so involved.
17.3 Local Events
Member may organise any activity to further the aims of the club locally provided the nominated Regional Organiser or Committee member has prior knowledge and has approved the activity on behalf of the Club. This formal permission is required in writing to activate club insurances and indemnities with respect to the specific event. Otherwise Members do not have such permission.
17.4 Any member incurring approved expenditure on behalf of the club must be in possession of all the receipts, as well as an order number from the Treasurer to be reimbursed in full.

18. Observance and Interpretation of the Constitution
Every Member shall abide by the current Constitution of the Club and shall accept as final the decision of the Committee in all cases of disagreement as to its interpretation.

19. Use of Club Name
No Member shall make use of the name or insignia of the Club either on Club business or for private purposes- whether or not he/she remains a Member, without the authorisation of the Committee.